59 Photos Proved That Elderly People are the Funniest Age Group

#3 From Great Strength Comes Great Responsibility

And now Kryptonite is stuck in my head.

A lot of individuals are afraid of getting older. We make every effort to maintain our young appearance because, for whatever reason, we dread the day when we begin to see wrinkles and gray hair. But wisdom also comes with age, and these pictures show that wisdom doesn’t always have to mean a bad sense of humor!

I’m fortunate enough to still have both of my grandparents, and they’re both really funny. Even though they are in their 80s and 90s, they remain energetic, razor-sharp, and complete riots. Sometimes their sarcasm and sass seem to come out so naturally that I’m not sure if they always mean to make funny jokes when they do. However, they’re both a pleasure to be around and encourage me to maintain my sense of humor until the end of my life.