59 Photos Proved That Elderly People are the Funniest Age Group

#6 Grandpa’s First Attempt At Cosplay, Leia And R2-D2

So cute lol

The New York Post says that as we get older, we also lose some of our physical talents and, sadly, our sense of humor. A Gallup poll indicates that a person’s daily chances of smiling or laughing decrease beyond the age of 23.

The writers of Humor, Seriously write, “We grow up, enter the workforce, and suddenly become’serious and important people,’ trading laughter for ties and pantsuits.” “In a sea of bottom lines, slide decks, and mind-numbing conference calls, we soon lose all sense of humor.”

It seems that one of the main causes of people becoming more serious and scheduling less time for humor in their lives is the desire of professionalism. Nevertheless, this need not be the case.