Hilarious Home Renovation Fails

Our Door is Always Open

Clearly, the person who installed this doorknob took the phrase “Our door is always open” far too literally. That or they were drunk. We would’ve loved to have been there with our cameras to witness the moment of realization the person responsible for this masterpiece realized it would work.

There’s always something wrong with these kinds of design failures. Didn’t the designer who put these parts together (we assume it was him) notice something was wrong?

First You Think, Then You Do

There’s no doubt this guy (we have a feeling it’s him) was preoccupied with getting this job done so he didn’t pay too much attention to what was going on and was just so focused on getting the job over with that he didn’t pay attention to the job in hand.

As a result, we recommend that wives keep their mouths shut while waiting patiently for their husband to install the dish. We know you’ve been waiting since Christmas, but men can only do one thing at a time. You either hang the dish or you listen to him.

Problem Solved?

Our team is not certain if this was a design failure or just some laziness on their part. The pipes could have been placed anywhere, so why were they placed this way? It is hard to believe that there are people out there who are so stupid and did this without realizing what they were doing.

This was clearly not done by a professional plumber and certainly not by an amateur. Therefore, nothing can rationalize this, in our books.