Hilarious Home Renovation Fails

Bath University

Our conclusion to this next design failure is that it seems to win them all, no pain, no brain. We are trying our best to see if this is an optical illusion, but as we try harder, we begin to realize that the result is human. To complete the picture, a small ramp would be helpful.

We all have those times when all we really wanted was a bit of peace and quiet sprinkled with a little flooding. The problem now is, what should we do? Should we break this apart and build a new, proper surface? Or should we simply level out the existing surface with some bricks?

Dysfunctional Balcony

Initially, these balconies appear pretty attractive, right? A perfect place to relax and enjoy the fresh air. But then you realize the danger they hide. In either case, this is wrong. They could be emergency exits; they could just be a teaser for those who are unable to afford a balcony.

Those are not real balconies. They were placed there to deceive the eye. The council wanted to freshen up the look of these buildings, so they added these concrete boxes.

Room With a… View?

A window is pretty pointless if it can’t be seen out of it. Tell that to the owners of this house, who decided it didn’t make any sense to put a window behind a chimney flue. As the chimney was prioritized, the dream of an attic with a picturesque view got put on the back burner.

The question is, how many other renovation disasters are lurking behind this view-less window, in the depths of the house? We have no other explanation except that the room was renovated at a later stage; however, that still leaves us wondering why the window was not blocked.