Hilarious Home Renovation Fails

One Job

How many hilarious articles (and photos) have you seen about people who have to do just one little thing and they mess up? Check out this dude’s simple task. He had to hang the new television set. How complicated can it be? It is apparently quite challenging for many people.

The clever people will say that if the television has a rotating option, then it shouldn’t be an issue, or alternatively, how do we know he was working more than one job that day? We say be more attentive to what needs to be done.

Big Foot

Then Simon decided that he needed to renovate his home. He planned months in advance; he knew exactly where he wanted what, how long it would take for him to complete it all. One thing he forgot to take into account was his four-legged companion, Tom.

As a result, the satires are ruined, but we think Simon can turn this disaster into an innovative, chic design. Imagine the cat saying to the house on every step, “F@#K you, THIS B@@dy house, Simon you idiot.”.

M.C. Escher Was Not an Architect

This staircase probably looks like a real treat to daredevils or Escher fans (preferably both). In contrast to those of us who like our staircases to, well, get us to our destination safely, it’s an outright nightmare. There is also no handrail, of course, since that would detract from the creative design.

We also need to ensure that the doors are where they’re supposed to be, that the windows are not facing any brick walls, and that the toilet seat is in the right place.