Hilarious Home Renovation Fails


Have you ever been super hungry and found that you cannot open the refrigerator because the oven is blocking it? Or has that never happened to you? This is another problem that could’ve been solved simply by measuring first and installing second. Tip: bigger isn’t always better. Oh, and sense isn’t always as common as you may think.

Obviously, this is a rental that doesn’t care whether its tenants are able to use the kitchen. So long as it is advertised as “fully fitted.”

Terrible Door

Unless someone hasn’t seen a functional door before, or they’ve taken their need to be different to the extreme, we’d love to see just how this marvelous, horizontal monstrosity works to enter and exit a house.

In order to explain this, whoever lives here must be super short, super thin, and doesn’t show any interest in going out every once in a while.

No Way Out

When emergent situations, such as fires, emergency escapes are designed to provide safety and security. As it seems, this emergency escape (a.k.a. the building’s emergency spiral stairs) is intended to pose further danger to the residents’ lives.

Despite looking like you can go up, there is no way out of the building. Oh, and another small tip from us to them. People who are fleeing dangerous situations need the staircase to be as easy to descend as possible. Do they have to be so curvy?