Hilarious Home Renovation Fails

Road Tripping

You spend six months preparing for your gap year, arranging routes on maps, saving up money to see the world, and come home with great stories. But never in a million years could you imagine a scene like this. Only in Cambodia would you be able to witness such a sight.

You couldn’t afford a sea view or mountain view, but from the looks of things, you couldn’t afford a view at all. Now, I don’t mind having a view, but after traveling all day and exploring the country, we could use some fresh air.

Renovating on a Budget

Home renovations don’t have to cost a fortune. Getting a fancy new faucet might be costly, but a plastic drinking straw can do the job in style for less than a dollar. The best thing is, you can get an entire packet of faucets for less than a dollar. Changing up the color of each one as it wears out is also fun.

So instead of buying expensive faucets for your kitchen and complaining every month that you have no money left for takeout, no dishes to wash, no need for a faucet?

Improvised Shower Head

While we’re on the topic of money-saving renovation improvements, here’s another creative homeowner who wasn’t going to give up on a busted showerhead. It seems that duct tape, a soda can, and a lot of holes were the quick fix (and we hope this is just temporary). It looks like this idea is so brilliant and seems to be working so well that we’d almost back him keeping it. Engineering level: boss.

Although we know this is more of a DIY hack than a faulty design, we have a feeling that somebody out there will intentionally implement it as part of their innovation.