Top 20 Most Expensive Rolls Royce Models Ever Sold

8. Rolls Royce Phantom II Special Town Car (1933) – $2.31 Million

This gorgeous town car has all the charm of a 1930s millionaire. You’ll have to wait until the current owner sells it for those looking to return to simpler, more majestic times in the automotive industry. For now, you can only see it in pictures, unfortunately. We haven’t seen this car since it was bought from Southebys almost a decade ago.

7. The Robert Hall Phantom II Continental Sports Coupé (Freestone & Webb, 1933) – $2.42 Million

There is so much history behind this vehicle that we are unable to include it all.. Let’s take a look at Anthony Gibbs’ story, who bought this vehicle in 1952, to give you an idea of its allure. The driver of the car he loved so much that he chased him across a railroad crossing, terrifying them until they eventually agreed to his offer.. He became one of a long line of owners, and the only one to chase this car until he could buy it, after the previous owner accepted.

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