What Will Happen If You Put An Onion in Your Socks?

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4. Purifying Air

Onions might assist if you’re concerned that the air will become stale while you sleep with the windows closed. Before going to bed, stuff a piece of onion into your socks to help eliminate chemicals and pollutants from the air surrounding you. In this manner, you may breathe in some fresh air as you sleep.

5. Removing Foot Smell

Onions, being abundant in sulfuric compounds, possess antibacterial and antifungal characteristics that can effectively impede the growth of microorganisms responsible for foot odor. As a result, you’ll notice a significant decrease in the unpleasant scent coming from your feet if you stuff some onion slices inside your socks each night. But do not forget to wash your feet the next morning to get rid of the onion scent.

6. Getting Rid Of Germs

Onions, which are rich in dietary flavonoids, help reduce the incidence of inflammatory illnesses. The flavonoids in an onion slice can aid in the development of antibodies, so tuck one into your socks at night. In this manner, your body will have a built-in defense mechanism in case it is invaded by antigens or infectious organisms.

7. How To Do It

There are no difficult steps needed to do this technique. To make this work, simply chop an unsprayed onion into thin pieces, stuff them inside your socks, and sleep as normal. Allow the onions to work their magic!

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