25 Wavy Haircut and Style Ideas that you should not miss

19.‘90s Wavy Pixie Cut

In this choppy, wavy pixie, Raven Blanchard channels Meg Ryan from the ‘90s, and it almost makes me want to shave everything off of my head. You’ll have to work with a skinny blow-dry brush or heated round brush to add volume and definition if you hate using curling irons. Just know that waves this short will need some zhuzhing to lay the way you like.

20.Contoured Wavy Hair

Yup, hair contouring is a thing, and Hailee Steinfeld’s multidimensional wavy haircut is the perfect example of it. In spite of sounding fancy, hair contouring simply describes adding highlights and lowlights to your hair to create strategic dimension, such as beefing up thin waves or enhancing your natural coloring.

21.Dual-Textured Waves

With straight roots and wavy ends, play up your natural texture by brushing the top layer of your hair back with a boar-bristle brush (it creates a soft, natural-looking sheen) then clipping in place. You can leave the rest of your waves down, or you can use a hair waver or a skinny curling wand to re-define any sections that have been pulled out.

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