45 Abandoned Places all over the World which Are Eerily Beautiful

Six Flags (formerly Jazzland), New Orleans

During Hurricane Katrina, Six Flags in New Orleans suffered from flooding, and the water remained stagnant for several weeks. The park is currently an upside-down concession stand, skeletal roller coasters, and terrifying decapitated clowns that have transformed the park into a pastel wasteland.

City Hall Subway, New York City

A NYC subway stop might not seem like a place where vaulted ceilings and chandeliers would be found. In 1904, however, when Rafael Guastavino designed this station directly below City Hall, that wasn’t the case. In 1940, as the Brooklyn Bridge station grew, the stop closed due to commuters’ preference for speed over style. Some passengers might get a lucky view of the underground gem as the Downtown 6 passes the station at Brooklyn Bridge today.

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