45 Abandoned Places all over the World which Are Eerily Beautiful

Haludovo Palace Hotel, Croatia

The Haludovo Palace Hotel clearly dates from a bygone era, but it is difficult to determine exactly when it was built. In spite of the design and modular shape, it is in a state of decay and seems lost in time. As it turned out, the hotel complex was constructed on the island of Krk in 1971 with asymmetrical concrete facades, and hosted actors and world leaders visiting former Yugoslavia during the golden years.. After the war in the 1990s, tourism dwindled, and the hotel closed its doors in 2001.. Casinos, saunas, and tennis courts are no longer available, but visitors can still appreciate the hotel’s skeletal structures-and let’s be honest, it’s a good day on a Croatian island no matter what.

Fordlândia, Brazil

It was Henry Ford’s grand plan to establish a rubber plantation in the Amazon rainforest in the 1920s.. A massive plot of land was secured by the American industrialist, who built an impressive city – complete with a power plant, hospital, golf course, thousands of houses, and more – he named Fordlândia.. Due to a combination of malaria, unproductive plants, and rioting workers, Fordlândia fell apart, and it was purchased back by Brazil in 1945.. Travelers can explore the ruins on Amazon tours (including the iconic water tower)

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