45 Abandoned Places all over the World which Are Eerily Beautiful

Michigan Theatre, Detroit

Detroit’s Michigan Theatre once boasted seven stories, 4,000 seats, and a construction cost of $5 million. It was the site of Henry Ford’s first workshop in 1926.. It closed its doors in 1967 as suburban movie theaters and living room televisions flooded the market. In the late 1970s, it was finally converted into a parking garage after serving several other purposes. While its cathedral ceilings and frescoed walls have seen better days, it certainly beats the concrete parking lots you’ll find elsewhere

SS Ayrfield Shipwreck, Sydney

During the early 20th century, Homebush Bay was a major shipping hub for coal and oil.. As a result of all that coal and oil, the waters soon became contaminated and toxic, a problem that was only effectively resolved after the 2000 Olympics.. Although Homebush Bay is now a fully-functioning residential suburb, you can still see traces of its industrial past.. Mangrove trees, overgrowing the rusted abandon freighter SS Ayrfield, are the most notable.. Anyone else picturing this as a pop-up tiki bar in Brooklyn?

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