Hilarious Home Renovation Fails

Ten Points for Ingenuity

Despite this, toilets are one of the smallest rooms in the house. While we all know that, we still have to adapt. But instead of, oh, say, installing a door that swings out instead of in, a clever homeowner cut a hole in the door to fit around the throne. We call this creativity and utilizing what we have instead of buying something new.

The guy who came up with this solution spent a lot of time thinking and was able to come up with the perfect solution without ordering a new toilet, ordering a new door, or moving the house altogether.

Mind the Window

Putting a basketball net at the back of your house for your kids is another example of why you shouldn’t do it. Does this look like a new trend we weren’t aware of? This driveway setup looks like something that could go wrong. You won’t need much, and on the first attempt, the person shooting the ball will probably break the glass window.

What are our suggestions? We suggest the boy does not play ball, that whoever placed the mirror takes responsibility and receives it, that you have a number of your local glaziers on hand, and that you think before you act.

Not Aligned

A perfectionist’s nightmare, this construction is. A contractor and his team are supposed to build our house safely and properly, after all, they’re the experts in their field. We are confident that they will be able to perform the job perfectly, from measurements to space.

Clearly, their measuring tools were not used properly, else the walls would have lined up. Innovation is the magic word, and creativity is what makes things happen.