Hilarious Home Renovation Fails

Slow your roll

Toilet rolls are kept hidden from guests in this prankster’s house. It is hard to imagine how uncomfortable it would be for guests looking for toilet paper while the homeowner laughed outside. Or maybe they just got tired of people using it up. It may be that guests are informed on arrival that the bathroom is strictly BYO.

The secretive bathroom installation could be a new version of an escape room. There is only one way out: by finding the hidden toilet paper. Oh, people could be trapped for hours.

Jump For Your Life

In the case of a fire, you should have a safe and viable escape route before signing a contract for a prospective apartment. It is important to have an emergency exit before signing a contract. The owners of this apartment building decided to provide their upper level occupants with an exit that, in case of an emergency, offered them an alternative way of dying.

When you’re running for your life and fearing for your life, you won’t notice the missing stairs unless you’re a ninja.

Wet and Wild

In the end, small sinks combined with big faucets are total disasters. But at least they come in handy when mopping the floor… which you’d have to do every time you cleaned your teeth or washed your hands. The best thing to do if you happen to visit this place is to bring hand sanitizer with you!

Keeping away from these kinds of places is the best advice. There is always an alternative to going to places like this; this is pure cruelty.