Hilarious Home Renovation Fails

Saving Space

There are only two options that can make this thing work. How could the person responsible for this get away with it? How could this thing endure long enough for someone to take a photo of it?

The choice is either to stand in line and do your own business, informing those next to you that they must wait patiently to use the toilet behind the door, or you go in and wish there were no one on the other side when you are done doing what you were doing.

Trick of light

Even if it wasn’t done intentionally (although you never know), the reflection is perfect. We’re pretty sure we don’t need to explain why. However, we want to compliment the interior designer for his combined styling skills and sense of humor for creating this masterpiece of refracted light. Hopefully the homeowners won’t be intimidated by the ceiling. It’s a very distracting sight to see!

Maybe this could lead to a new profession: creating custom light effects on the wall. They can be made according to the hours of the day, and the possibilities are endless.

Strategic Painting

In spite of the tedious process, the results (if flawless) are refreshing. Unfortunately, this painter might end up coated in the same color he used to paint the roof when he renovates his house! The old adage “do not paint yourself into a corner” is perfectly embodied in this situation.

He should keep this old saying in mind when composing his plan of attack next time. So what would one do in such a situation? Find something to lean on during the last spot. Or jump in the air while painting whatever is left over.