Top 20 Most Expensive Rolls Royce Models Ever Sold

12. Rolls Royce Phantom VIII (2017) – $670,000

Phantoms are the best choice if you are looking for all the bells and whistles that Rolls-Royce offers. For a sneak preview of the Phantom 8 in 2017, an invitation and flight to Florida were required.. In 1926, the Phantom debuted, and it is still being manufactured today. Despite its slightly different features, the Phantom has been ghosting its way through competition for almost a century now

11. Rolls Royce Phantom Hearse – $662,000-700,000

Style lives and dies. There would be a funeral parade if this 23-foot hearse didn’t exist. A phantom extended wheelbase would feel even more spacious than this, by about three feet. Those who cannot drop dead without ensuring their entourage will be seen one last time before they slip away to the afterlife will need to purchase a Phantom Hearse.. Even if you can’t take it with you, you can make your last ride in this ridiculous Rolls-Royce Hearse as memorable as your first

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