45 Abandoned Places all over the World which Are Eerily Beautiful

Ponyhenge, Massachusetts

It’s not unusual for anything ending in henge to be mysterious and strange, but “Ponyhenge” in Lincoln, Massachusetts, might have just won us over. Located west of Boston, Ponyhenge is a collection of plastic ponies and rocking horses.. The first ponies appeared sometime in 2010; over time, the collection has grown exponentially, and it is frequently rearranged into circles and rows.. Nobody knows when the first pony appeared, who added them to the collection, and if they came to life when we slept.. Ponyhenge has arrived

Beelitz-Heilstätten Hospital, Germany

The old German hospital looks disturbing from the outside, and it is. There’s no doubt Beelitz-Heilstätten did serve as a tuberculosis sanatorium between 1898 and 1930.. Adolf Hitler, a young soldier in World War I, was also housed there as a victim of mustard gas and machine guns. Later, the hospital was used as a military hospital by the Soviet Union after World War II, and later it treated Nazi soldiers during World War II.. In today’s complex, a few wards are being used as neurological rehabilitation centers, but the rest is abandoned. It looks like something straight out of American Horror Story: Asylum after the surgery and psychiatric wards have both been abandoned to decay and nature (and vandals).